How to avoid “tweaking” your back

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard “Help Dr Paula - I have tweaked my back!” over my 25+ years in practice. Often followed by them saying “ I just bent over to the side to pick up (insert random item)….”

If you have had a job that involves lifting people or things, you may have done manual handling and were probably taught to set yourself up properly to do a lift.

It’s funny though, if you’re outside of the context of your workplace, you often don’t follow that advice. It’s as if that ‘safe lifting wisdom’ we have learned previously is temporarily lost in our brain and we just bend over and twist without giving it much thought!

In terms of biomechanics for the nerds out there who like to understand this stuff, it is that our lumbar vertebrae are well designed for flexion/extension (bending forward and backwards) but not so much for rotation (twisting)

However, it’s even worse if you bend forward and rotate at the same time….and then add a bit of load. For many people, it’s just asking for trouble, particularly if they have lost of bit of flexibility and maybe have to sit all day for work!

So, how do you avoid this? well simply …take a STEP to the side and FACE the item, then SQUAT down towards it & pick it up!

Yes, I know I am repeating myself from last month….the humble squat strikes again! I really do notice that as people get older many forget to include squatting in their life!

It’s really so simple to avoid tweaking your back if you just give yourself a moment longer to position yourself the right way! (In addition to regular Chiropractic adjustments, exercise and stretching of course!)

However, if you do get into trouble- you know you can always make an appointment to see me and I will help you recover and rehabilitate!

Take care & remember Step the then & Squat!

-Dr Paula

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Supporting Sporty Kids

Attention, parents and grandparents of young athletes! Are you looking to support your child's sporting pursuits and help them stay in top form throughout their season? Look no further than my upcoming workshop on Wednesday, April 19th at 6:45 pm held at my Goodwood clinic ( see booking link below).

As a chiropractor with over 25 years of experience caring for young active people, I know firsthand just how important it is to support kids in their sports. As a mother of three active school-age children, I have seen how much my own kids love their sports and I am dedicated to helping other parents do the same. Healthy kids are generally happy kids.

Have you ever noticed that as the season or term goes on, your favourite little athlete can sometimes fade, get worn out, or be more susceptible to injuries? I have designed my free health promotion workshop with this in mind.

I will be sharing all my best tips and tricks to help young athletes prepare for their sports and avoid getting too worn out during the season. I have looked after young people from many different sporting codes over my career and I have seen this kind of thing happen many times. However, there is plenty that can be done to help!

The workshop will teach you simple strategies you can do at home to prepare and support your child's body across the season so they can perform at their best and avoid injuries. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from an experienced sports team supporter and help your child achieve their full potential in their sport.

Key points about what kids eat, how they move and recover and how they think are all included in a way that is easy to understand for both parent and child and what you, together as a family you can do to help.

Join me on Wednesday, April 19th at 6:45 pm, for this free workshop and take the first step in supporting your young athlete's health and success.

Book workshops tickets here

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What’s the big deal on squats?

Across this last month, my team & I were doing LOTS of squats to participate in a fundraising campaign. Squats are a fundamental movement - so why should you care about them if you’re not planning to be an Olympic weight-lifter?

Squats are important for protecting your lower back because they help to strengthen the muscles that support the spine and promote good posture. The lower back is particularly vulnerable to injury because it bears much of the weight and stress of daily activities, such as sitting, standing, and walking. Squats target the muscles in the hips, glutes, and thighs, which work together to stabilize the pelvis and support the lower back.

By strengthening these muscles, squats help to reduce the risk of lower back injury and pain, and can also help to improve overall spinal health. Additionally, squats can improve mobility and flexibility in the hips and lower back, which can help to prevent strains and sprains during daily activities. It's important to perform squats with proper form and to gradually increase weight and intensity to avoid injury and achieve maximum benefits.

I have made some videos over this past month discussing why they are important for you and how you can do a body-weight squat easily as well as some ideas on variations, including those of you who have to sit for long periods

It’s important to know that I can assess your squat and help identify issues in your ankle, knees, hip, lower back, or Sacroiliac areas very easily. I can tell if things are not moving right, even before they get so bad that pain appears - now doesn’t that sound like having a crystal ball?

There are some links to my squat videos below if you would like to learn more - otherwise, feel free to reach out and ask me a question when you next visit via our FB and Insta pages or

Here’s my Video on how to do a proper bodyweight squat

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Musculoskeletal pain experienced by adults is reasonably well researched, but pain in children is not. Last year the findings of a three-year study performed in Denmark was published looking at the pain distribution patterns of children between 8 and 16 years old. This study finished with 1,169 participants – which is a significant sample size when looking at children of that age across all industrialised countries.

For the purposes of the report, pain was defined as at least one week of pain during a school year. While we know that “pain can start early in life and increases throughout adolescence,” it is the specifics offered up by this study that make it noteworthy.

Other concerns that accompany childhood and adolescent pain include negative impacts on “sports participation and physical activity in childhood” as well as “psychological distress, poor relations with peers, absence from school, puberty and decreased quality of life.” To this end, it is important for both parents and clinicians to know when and how to bring in interventions.


  • The percentage of children who did not experience pain during the school year was just 28.5%. 71.5% of children did experience at least one episode of pain lasting one week.

  • Of this percentage, 60% experienced lower extremity pain, 28.7% experienced spinal pain and the upper extremities came in last at 22.6%.

  • 2% of participants reported pain in more than one region, and of these, the most common was spinal and lower extremity pain (13.2%).

  • Twice as many girls reported pain in all three sites compared to boys (10% vs. 5%).

The study did have limitations, one being that parents reported the pain states. When the children themselves were asked, they often had other pain to report. Parents (admittedly less so than doctors) underestimate a child’s pain and overestimate their child’s wellbeing and quality of life, so this study’s findings are likely conservative when we factor that in.

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The Relationship Between Chiropractic and Remedial Massage

At The Chiropractic Domain, we believe in the power of both chiropractic and remedial massage! Dr. Paula and Magda, our remedial massage therapist, are here to tell you why these two treatments are the perfect combination for your health

People often ask me about the relationship between Chiropractic and Remedial Massage.

While I have been a consumer of Chiropractic care since I was a child, it was not until I started full-time work in my early 20s that I also started using the services of a Remedial Massage Therapist like Magda. Along with regular exercise & stretching, it certainly helped me manage the repetitive physical aspect of my job.

With Chiropractic, it could be said that we are largely directing our very specific adjustments toward the body joints, but it is important to understand what impact it has on the master control of the nervous system. Research has shown us that broadly adjustments achieve 3 things:

  1. Re-setting the pain receptors (nociceptors) and therefore the perception of pan

  2. Re-setting the movement receptors (mechanoreceptors ) so you feel you can move differently and

  3. Re-setting the position receptors (proprioceptors) so you feel like you’re holding a different posture.

Having adjustments over a period of time can therefore retrain how you feel, move, and hold yourself, ultimately getting everything working better!

However, we know that there are soft tissues (muscles/ligaments, fascia) also have a big role, particularly when there has been an injury or a chronic problem. So this is where remedial massage can work its magic and complement your Chiropractic care beautifully.

So Magda, how does massage work then?

“Massage can be defined as the systematic and scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body (skin, fascia, muscle, tendons, ligament) for the therapeutic purpose. The main purpose of the massage is to help the body heal itself, increasing health and well-being.”

You probably heard about different types and styles of massage like relaxation (also known as Swedish), remedial, deep tissue, or sports massage.

“Relaxation massage -generally full body massage. Performed to promote well-being, helps in treating anxiety and stress, improving sleep and body circulation. Relaxation massage uses a variety of movements in a flowing sequence to achieve its main purpose.”

“Deep tissue massage -Affects the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. Techniques involve slow strokes or friction across muscle fibers. Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain injuries, postural problems, or recovery from an injury. People can often feel sore for a day or two after a deep tissue massage.”

“Remedial massage: works more specifically at treating symptoms by finding their cause and attempts to relieve the symptoms with the long-term aim of solving the problem. “

What's the process you use Magda?

“I will take a history, feel the tissues and perform some tests on the clients to choose the best techniques. I believe that communication between client and therapist is very important to evaluate symptoms and achieve the best result. The selection of techniques and sequences will depend on the client's condition and problem, to encourage and enhance the body's natural healing process. Feedback from the patient to the therapist is also important to modify the techniques or pressure used too.”

So in summary, remedial massage is a combination of relaxation and deep tissue techniques for the best results for the client.

As you may already know you can book either Chiropractic Care or remedial massage via our online booking portal

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A recent Australian study revealed that a whopping 71.8% of 178 infants examined at a paediatric only chiropractic clinic between January 1, 2010 to 31st December, 2010 had glenohumeral joint dysfunction. The glenohumeral joint is the shoulder ball and socket joint.

By stark contrast a study in 2006 which reported shoulder dystocia at an occurrence of 0.6-1.2% of all deliveries, it represents a massive difference between shoulder issues picked up in neonatal examinations (i.e. following difficult births), and shoulder issues picked up by a chiropractor who is trained to look for issues with range of motion in infants.

Though these new findings are from just one year and is retroactive in it's view, it does make an argument to seek the assessment of a chiropractor if you're concerned and have been told to let them "just cry it out" (a frustration we hear from parents a lot).

The take-away is that prolonged crying should be investigated, and chiropractors are trained to assess the entire musculoskeletal system.

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If adjusting is my Superpower, then Cold laser is like my secret weapon

Many of you may have had a situation where you may have had an attack of sciatica or lower back pain.

In fact, statistics show that ~80% of the adult population will have it happen at some stage in their lives. With those odds either you or someone you know may have had that experience or may do in the future!

If you haven’t heard about Cold laser , It is a great non-invasive way to deal with the pain and inflammation associated with musculoskeletal injuries like low back pain, neck pain and sporting injuries.

Hello lovely people,

Many of you may have had a situation where you had an attack of sciatica or lower back pain.

In fact, statistics show that ~80% of the adult population will have it happen at some stage in their lives.. With those odds either you or someone you know may have had that experience- or may do in the future!

Over the last 25 years, I have treated thousands of people with this very problem.

You need to know that you don't have to suffer - that's why over the last month I have been sharing some strategies you can use to try to help. So watch or keep reading below:

(You can see my previous videos on YouTube , Facebook or Instagram if follow them)

Today,  I want to share about a fabulous tool that I have been using to help many of my patients who have an “acute attack" of Musculoskeletal pain

When an injury occurs, there are two key things that happen:

  1. There is an inflammatory response in the tissues  with local swelling and pain

  2. The muscles seize up to protect the area. 

In this situation, that's where I use cold laser therapy. It is a great non-invasive way to deal with the pain and inflammation associated with musculoskeletal injuries like low back pain, neck pain and sporting injuries.

Cold laser treatment is quick and painless and then it allows me to continue with adjusting you, to help you get back on your feet sooner!

 So if it's the first time that you've had an acute low back or sciatic attack or if you've had a flare-up of an old condition please talk to us about how we can help you!

 If you or someone you know has had this occur,  please feel free to share this email & video.

And just a little bonus, after your initial assessment and recommendation for care, we offer 10% off any recommended cold laser treatment programs if you pre-pay & pre-book your schedule.

You're welcome to call the clinic and talk to our friendly team on 8272 4555 or you can book online via our website.

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Ergonomic Tips for Back-to-School Kids

Back-to-School Ergonomic Tips for Back-to-School Kids

Hi everybody, Dr. Paula here, good to talk to you.

Well, it's that time of year where we have students heading back to school. Primary school students, teenagers in high school, certainly that's the case in my household. If you're a parent like me, you're probably running through the mental list and running around trying to make sure they've got their uniform, they've got their shoes, they’ve got their hats, and of course, then there's the lunch boxes and water bottles. However, the other thing I'd like you to consider is making sure that their spinal health is in good preparation for returning to school. Now, over the holidays, maybe the children had some screen time. And whilst we may feel that it's great they're going back to school, they're gonna be engaged, they're gonna be running around, we often overlook the fact that students have ergonomic needs as well, just like office workers or outside workers have ergonomics. So a couple of things I'd like to share with you today, is making sure that the kids get to change position. So you could get them to stand up and put their device, if they're using device, up higher, or their books up higher, apart from the table or the desk they're working at. When their device or book is at an appropriate height, they can go from slumping in their chair to sitting up straighter. Backpacks, of course, should be used on both straps. The idea is to not carry too much in there, do we have to carry everything that's in there? Can some things be left home? And if you're going to wear it, there's often usually a waist strap and making sure that the weight is closest to the spine in the bag. So there you have it. There's a couple of really quick and easy tips about improving ergonomics in students. Now, if you have a student who is starting to complain of neck or upper back pain, even lower back pain, this clinic is one that looks after young people and I'm delighted to look after the young people in my practice. Perhaps I can be of help. If you'd like to talk to me about it, feel free. Otherwise, you can call the clinic or check us out or book online on the website.

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4 Tips for Less Back Pain

4 Tips for Less Back Pain

Back pain seems to affect about 80% of Australian’s at some point in their life. If one of your New Year's resolutions this year is to have less pain you might want to consider listening to these four tips I have four habits to make a difference.

Hi I'm Dr Paula, I am from the Chiropractic Domain at Goodwood and I've spent the last 25 years helping over 10,000 people kiss goodbye their neck and back pain.

Habit number one is about less sitting. Sitting is to the spine like sugar is to the teeth it is bad news and we know it is linked to a much bigger chance of human mortality so yes you could calculate earlier in your life if you sit too much so habit number one is to get yourself up and get moving much more than perhaps what you normally do.

Habit number two is about less stress. So many of my patients are always looking to a physical reason for their back pain and that's not always the case. Particularly over the last three decades research has indicated that if we are stressed we don't heal as well, we can't get over colds as well, we can't even get over back pain as well, so the key here is to look at ways of managing stress. In fact if you can figure it out that might be your new superpower for this year.

Habit number three is about decreasing inflammation. The inflammatory response in the body is a big cause of many illnesses. A big way that you can manage that yourself is through your diet. Now without going into too much detail we can actually have some really simple principles here. If your food comes out of a packet, it's processed and it is not so good for you. You want to have food that's in its least processed state as possible. Fresh meat, lots of vegetables, nuts, and seeds, that is a surefire way to decrease the amount of inflammation in your body.

Fourth and final Habit to have a healthier back is to make sure you visit your chiropractor. When it comes to back okay the experts agree that a conservative approach is best and research has shown that chiropractic is a very safe and effective way of dealing with back and neck pain. So make sure that you have a chiropractor like me in your life and make sure that you visit regularly and stay on top of those issues.

So there you have it gang four tips for healthy habits to develop to have less back pain. If you or there is someone you know in your life that has back on neck pain please feel free to call the office on 8272-45 or visit our website at

Yours in health,

Dr Paula

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5 New Years Resolutions for Less Pain and More Mobility

5 Healthy New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Welcome to the New Year!

Today I'm going to share with you five really simple ideas for New Year's resolutions, if you would like some things to be different for you this year then here's some of what you could do. People wrongly think that they have to make very drastic changes but nothing could be further from the truth. Sometimes small changes, tiny habits, can have a massive impact.

The first idea is to sit less and move more. I'm sure you've heard that before many people have said that but did you know that more sitting in your day leads to an increased chance that you're going to develop morbidity? We don't want that!

My second idea is to consider getting more sleep. Bragging about how little sleep you get is very 2010. When you sleep you feel your nerve system actually programs healing.

My third idea is for you to get a new hobby. New Year's resolutions don't have to be all about exercise diet and deprivation of the things you love but research shows us that getting a new hobby can lead to an increased sense of well-being. If you're happier you tend to make better choices.

Idea number four is about trying to reduce your sugary drink intake. Now I know that might be tricky and it might be hard to go cold turkey but at least try and decrease it. We know that sugary drink intake is linked to obesity, and cardiovascular disease but also possible bone density loss. That is relevant for you as an adult but also relevant for younger children too. Give it a crack try and substitute more water for the sugary drinks.

Now my fifth and final suggestion for ideas for a New Year's resolution or a change this year is to take a holiday. Yeah, that's right take a break! It is crazy to think that a vast number of Australian’ss have a huge amount of accrued leave and they're not taking it. You may have heard it said before “no leave = no life”. It helps us balance out, it helps change things and give us some fresh ideas when we're outside our normal environment.

My suggestion is choose one or two and make sure you keep it simple and then if one of your goals is to have less pain and more mobility then I might be the girl to help you. By all means reach out and call the clinic on 8272-4555 or you can always book by our website online we'll be back on the third to start looking after you again so take care and I'll see you soon. Enjoy your New Year's Eve

Yours in health,
Dr Paula

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chiropractic Simone Thomas chiropractic Simone Thomas

What is this lump on my back?

What is this lump on my back? Is it a hump? Should I be worried?
Dr Paula’s quick video today answers these questions for you

Is it a hump? Should I be worried?

Dr Paula answers these questions in a quick <3 minute video

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chiropractic, massage Simone Thomas chiropractic, massage Simone Thomas

Winter is Coming…

Don’t let the cold winter air exacerbate a sore neck or back, Dr Paula has some winter warmers to share with you!

Don’t let the cold winter air exacerbate a sore neck or back, Dr Paula has some winter warmers to share with you!

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Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS

Are your hips causing your back pain?

Your hip joints are much more mobile than your lower back, but when your hips stop moving properly, your lower back is forced to pick up the slack which often results in moving TOO much in sensitive spots like your pelvic joints which can strain ligaments and make muscles tighten to protect your back.

Your hip joints are much more mobile than your lower back, but when your hips stop moving properly, your lower back is forced to pick up the slack which often results in moving TOO much in sensitive spots like your pelvic joints which can strain ligaments and make muscles tighten to protect your back.Your hips are responsible for transferring forces from the ground up into the rest of your spine and upper body. If the hip joints get compressed or stuck and change how they sit in positions where they’re bearing weight, this force is transferred asymmetrically into your lower back and will force your joints to take load asymmetrically and muscles to stabilise asymmetrically.If your hips move the way they’re supposed to, maintain symmetry when they’re supposed to, and provide the functional foundation for your whole upper body like they’re supposed to, the lower back is much more likely to be happy.

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Chiropractic, General Health and wel... Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic, General Health and wel... Paula STACEY-THOMAS

How we perceive pain alters how we feel pain.

When we experience long-term pain, it can cause us to become hypersensitive to future pain.

When we experience long-term pain, it can cause us to become hypersensitive to future pain.🧠It is our brains way of trying to protect us, but those with pain without apparent injury will know that it takes a physical, emotional and mental toll.The good news is that pain can lessen when we feel safe, and changing how we view it can alter how intensely we feel it. 🙌Next time you feel yourself entering a pain spiral, where your thoughts and feelings are contributing to physical pain and your physical pain is contributing to negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions, find yourself a quiet place, take long, deep breathes and try these affirmations to calm your nervous system down.

🌻 "My body is trying to communicate with me. I will listen to it."🌻 "I am healthy and resilient; this is only temporary."

Of course, breathing and affirmations is not the only step in managing pain. It is a beneficial additive to managing pain in conjunction with other modalities including exercise, good nutrition, and manual therapies including chiropractic.[button size='medium' style='' text='Book an Appointment' icon='' icon_color='4f758b' link='' target='_self' color='4f758b' hover_color='e2e868' border_color='' hover_border_color='' background_color='4f758b' hover_background_color='e2e868' font_style='normal' font_weight='100' text_align='center' margin='']

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Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS

20 years working together for better health and wellbeing for our clinic community

Facebook reminded me recently that our in-house Naturopath Lisa Scarfo and I have been working together for 20 years!

A little known fact is that Lisa & I did our Bachelor of Science Degree together at Adelaide Uni back. On our last day of lectures we were having a few celebratory beverages at the Unibar and made a bet that if we both achieve our career goals, that maybe we should work together. Well I did continue completing Chiropractic and started my own business, and some years later Lisa finished her qualification as a Naturopath.

So despite a pandemic - we're still here serving our community. Thanks for all your support - and if you need us we're still here!!

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Chiropractic, General Health and wel... Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic, General Health and wel... Paula STACEY-THOMAS

Intentions & Consistency ● What can you do in an uncontrollable world to maintain your well-being?

I have two words for you... Intention and consistencyWhat can you do in an uncontrollable world to maintain your well-being?The video goes for under 4 minutes, but as always you can listen to it on Spotify, watch with or without subtitles or read all of the updates on our blog.

I have two words for you... Intention and consistency

What can you do in an uncontrollable world to maintain your well-being?

The video goes for under 4 minutes, but as always you can listen to it on Spotify, or watch with subtitles via Facebook (link).

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January 2022

We hope that you had a fun and restful Christmas and new year. We are back and have started 2022 off with a busy couple of weeks seeing you all again after the short break, so this is a quick update on a few important upcoming events and happenings at The Chiropractic Domain.

We hope that you had a fun and restful Christmas and new year. We are back and have started 2022 off with a busy couple of weeks seeing you all again after the short break, so this is a quick update on a few important upcoming events and happenings at The Chiropractic Domain.

Click here to watch with subtitles, or scroll down past the video to read the updates instead.

Updated Hours from February 2022

From February our opening days will change, and some lunch time adjusting opportunities will be added.

25 Years as a Chiropractor

This week I have been reflecting and celebrating my 25 years of being a registered chiropractor. There’s a reason they call it being in practice; I am constantly gaining experience & wisdom and practising my skills, knowing that the learning never stops! I am very grateful to have found my calling at the tender age of 10 – though it took me until I was 23 to achieve my goal to graduate. Thousands of adjustments later I still have the passion to serve for many more years.
I am so appreciative of the communities I have served in Littlehampton, Mt Barker, Mt Gambier, and Goodwood since 1997 and recognise the trust you have placed in me with your health and your families wellbeing.

We're changing practice management software

Across the rest of January, we are upgrading our software to a new system. This may mean we need a few extra seconds while you’re paying and booking, so please be patient and we learn to navigate the new system.

You will also notice a change to the online booking page soon, but we hope that you will come to find it familiar and easy to use with time. If you do have any trouble, please don’t hesitate to call us and book in the old fashioned way!

Please be assured that your personal data will remain safe and secure and backed up, and none of your health data from The Chiropractic Domain or Lisa Scarfo will be affected.

Living with Community Transmission

Since the South Australian borders open and we are now all living with Covid spreading in the community, it has felt like a big shift in attitude, but there has not been a big shift in the public health advice, so we want to assure you that we will continue our Covid-Safe measures until advice changes.

This means that;

  • masks are required for all patients over the age of 12 while inside The Chiropractic Domain (unless you have a medical exception)
  • QR code check-ins are required upon arrival
  • please continue to hand wash or sanitise
  • Staff temperature checks are done frequently
  • Dr Paula wears a respirator while you’re in the smaller office with her
  • All staff wear masks at all times in the building
  • Adjusting tables are cleaned between each patient
  • Regular sanitising of shared areas, pens and equipment is still occurring.

If you are unwell and have been a close contact of someone with Covid, please do not attend the practice and contact SA Health for guidance on testing and quarantining.

If you are unwell, but have tested negative to Covid-19, and have advice from SA Health that you do not need to isolate, please give us a call to arrange your appointment to be moved to a quiet time of day, away from others who may otherwise be concerned.

We will continue to follow the SA Government advice as it is updated and are grateful to be able to support your health and wellbeing throughout this pandemic.

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Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS

New Chiropractic Hours from Feb 2022

From February our opening days will change, and some lunch time adjusting opportunities will be added.

From February our opening days will change, and some lunch time adjusting opportunities will be added.

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Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS Chiropractic Paula STACEY-THOMAS

We're updating our software

You will also notice a change to the online booking page soon, but we hope that you will come to find it familiar and easy to use with time. If you do have any trouble, please don't hesitate to call us and book in the old fashioned way! 

Across the rest of January, we are upgrading our software to a new system. This may mean we need a few extra seconds while you're paying and booking, so please be patient and we learn to navigate the new system.You will also notice a change to the online booking page soon, but we hope that you will come to find it familiar and easy to use with time. If you do have any trouble, please don't hesitate to call us and book in the old fashioned way!Please be assured that your personal data will remain safe and secure and backed up, and none of your health data from The Chiropractic Domain or Lisa Scarfo will be affected.

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Living with Community Covid

Since the South Australian borders open and we are now all living with Covid spreading in the community, it has felt like a big shift in attitude, but there has not been a big shift in the public health advice, so we want to assure you that we will continue our Covid-Safe measures until advice changes.This means that;

  • masks are required for all patients over the age of 12 while inside The Chiropractic Domain (unless you have a medical exception)
  • QR code check-ins are required upon arrival
  • please continue to hand wash or sanitise
  • Staff temperature checks are done frequently
  • Dr Paula wears a respirator while you're in the smaller office with her
  • All staff wear masks at all times in the building
  • Adjusting tables are cleaned between each patient
  • Regular sanitising of shared areas, pens and equipment is still occurring.

If you are unwell and have been a close contact of someone with Covid, please do not attend the practice and contact SA Health for guidance on testing and quarantining.If you are unwell, but have tested negative to Covid-19, and have advice from SA Health that you do not need to isolate, please give us a call to arrange your appointment to be moved to a quiet time of day, away from others who may otherwise be concerned.We will continue to follow the SA Government advice as it is updated and are grateful to be able to support your health and wellbeing throughout this pandemic. 

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