Insight Spinal scanning technology
Muscle tone & balance
The Surface EMG exam is a clever test that helps assess how well the muscles supporting and moving your spine are working. The test measures how much energy your body needs to maintain posture and how that energy is distributed throughout your muscles. If your spine is out of balance, the test score might be lower than usual because your muscles are working too hard. But don't worry, with time and effort, your muscles can regain their strength and mobility.
The test can also tell you if your muscles are feeling tired and stressed, which is a sign that your overall health might be under stress too. By measuring muscle activity, you can track your progress and see improvements as you release tension and regain control. So, the Surface EMG exam is a valuable tool for assessing your muscle tone and balance and for developing strategies to improve your spine and overall health.
Pulse Wave Profiler
The Pulse Wave Profiler used information about your heart rate Variability that helps your doctor determine how well your body can adapt to the environment. It does this by looking at the timing of your pulse and checking the balance and tension within your nervous system. This is called heart rate variability. When you're stressed or have unhealthy habits like a poor diet, limited exercise, or constant emotional stress, your body can get stuck in the "fight-flight" response. This can lead to exhaustion and drain your reserves.
So, if you want to make sure you're adapting well to your stress and environment and living your healthiest life, the Pulse Wave Profiler is a valuable tool.
Organ & Gland control
The Thermal Scan helps your doctor assess the part of your nervous system that controls your organs, glands, and blood vessels. This system is called the autonomic nervous system, and it works alongside the spinal nerves to regulate your immunity and manage your internal organ functions.
The Thermal Scan does this by measuring the temperature differences along your spine. This is an indicator of where stress is building up in your body and how deeply it affects your bodily functions. Every organ system relies on clear and balanced nerve signals to work efficiently, so detecting nerve interference with this test is really valuable for understanding and planning health and wellness strategies.