Strengthen Your Core: Beat the Sitting Slump!

Are you someone who sits a lot and worries about your core? If so, you're not alone. Your core muscles play a crucial role in protecting your spine, and sitting for long periods can weaken them. But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll explore why your core matters and how sitting affects it. Plus, we'll share two simple exercises you can do to wake up those core muscles and keep your spine safe. Let's get started!

The Mighty Core: Your Spine's Best Friend:

Your core muscles are superheroes when it comes to supporting your spine. They help you maintain good posture, stabilize your back, and transfer forces between your upper and lower body. When your core is weak, it can lead to bad posture, muscle imbalances, and back pain.

Beware the Sitting Slump:

Sitting for long periods can take a toll on your core muscles. Despite your best intentions, as the hours go by, your core starts to collapse, like a rainwater tank with an axe in its side. This weakens your strength and stability, putting your spine at risk.

Exercise 1: Lie Down and Activate:

You don't need fancy equipment for this exercise. Just find a comfortable spot on the floor and follow these steps:

  1. Lie down and bend your knees.

  2. Focus on the muscles between your belly button and pubic bone (your lower abdomen) and draw them downward.

  3. Squeeze your glutes (your bottom muscles).

  4. Engage your pelvic floor muscles (yes, everyone has them!) by gently contracting them.

  5. Now, combine all these actions together: activate your core, engage your pelvic floor, and clench your glutes.

  6. Hold for a few seconds, then release.

  7. Repeat this exercise to help rebuild your core strength.

Exercise 2: Kneeling Push-Up with Core Activation:

This exercise is perfect for those who spend a lot of time in a forward-leaning position:

  1. Get on your knees, about two feet away from a table.

  2. Remember the pelvic tilt from the previous exercise? Do that to engage your core, floor, and glutes.

  3. Place your hands on the table in front of you.

  4. Bend your elbows to lower your body towards the table while maintaining a strong and straight plank position.

  5. Push back up, extending your arms, and keep that core and glute engagement.

  6. Keep your shoulders and hips aligned throughout the exercise.

  7. Avoid arching or sagging your lower back.


Your core is a hero when it comes to supporting your spine, so don't neglect it, especially if you sit a lot. With the lying down core activation and kneeling push-up exercises, you can rebuild your core strength and protect your spine. Remember to be consistent and gradually increase the intensity as you progress. So, let's beat the sitting slump together and keep your core strong and your spine happy!


Attention: Runners, Walkers, Kickers & Squatters


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