Sleep better & wake up pain-free

Are you tired of waking up feeling sore and achy? Whether it's discomfort in your upper body or lower back and hips, your sleeping position might be the culprit. In today's blog post, we'll explore how your sleep posture can impact your well-being and share some chiropractic tips to help you improve your sleep quality. Often people will sleep in a “preztel” or a “prawn” position which is not at all helpful for your spine when it is trying to rest and recover from the day

**Sleeping Like a Pretzel**

One common sleeping position issue is resembling a "pretzel." When you twist and contort your lower back during sleep, it doesn't allow your lower back to rest in a neutral position. Instead, it can lead to discomfort and pain. To remedy this, try the following suggestions:

1. **Use a Pillow:** Place a pillow between your knees while sleeping. This helps keep your pelvis in a neutral position and prevents excessive twisting.

2. **Leg Position:** If you prefer to have one leg straight, make sure it's the top leg, while keeping the bottom leg bent. This adjustment will stop you from rolling forward into a pretzel-like position.

These simple changes might take some time to get used to, but they can significantly improve your sleep quality and reduce morning aches.

**Sleeping Like a Prawn**

Sleeping like a "prawn" involves curling forwards and tucking in, which can also lead to discomfort and pain. To address this issue, consider the following tips:

1. **Use a Contoured Pillow:** Opt for a pillow with a contour that fits the gap between your neck and shoulder. These specialized pillows are available at our clinic and work wonders for maintaining proper alignment.

2. **Head Position:** While in this position, ensure you are looking directly across the room. Avoid the common mistake of dropping your chin down, which can lead to discomfort.

3. **Tongue Placement:** Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth and your mouth closed. This might sound unusual, but it can help maintain a better head and neck alignment as well as optimise your airway to reduce open mouth breathing.

4. **Supportive Pillow Hug:** To further maintain proper posture, hug a pillow or hold onto something to keep yourself balanced.

These adjustments can make a significant difference in your sleep quality, reducing the strain on your neck, shoulders, and upper back.

**Seek Professional Help**

If you've tried to change your sleep postures but are still experiencing issues, it may be time to consult with a chiropractor. Chiropractors are experts in addressing underlying mechanical issues that could be contributing to your discomfort.

Feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels or visit our website to schedule an appointment with our chiropractic team. We specialize in helping you achieve a pain-free, restful night's sleep.

In conclusion, your sleep posture plays a crucial role in how you feel when you wake up in the morning. By making simple adjustments and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can enjoy better sleep and wake up with less pain and discomfort. Sweet dreams and better mornings await!


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