Do headaches hold you back?
It is estimated that 46% of the Australian population suffers with some form of headache!
That’s nearly one in 2 of you. I know in my own clinic that about 1 in 3 people will report suffering with some form of headaches, whether it be the prime reason they are coming for help, or I find out that is an additional background symptom they have.
That is huge! In fact, it is estimated that more Australians suffer from migraines and tension headaches than those who have diabetes, asthma and epilepsy combined! So it’s very possible that you could be one of them.
If so, what you need to know:
There are many types of headaches - 100’s in fact!
Chiropractors are trained to diagnose different types of headaches to decide if Chiropractic care is appropriate for you
The top 3 headaches that Chiropractors get results with are: tension-type, cervicogenic ( meaning those caused by the neck) and migraines
There is a great deal of research to support the validity of seeking Chiropractic care for headaches
Headaches rob you of your normal function, productivity and zest for life. I can’t tell you how many times I have had people tell me: “Yeah, I just have the normal headaches….” WHAT??!! When did headaches become normal???
Unfortunately, I think that people often get so used to feeling sub-optimal that they don’t know what ‘well’ feels like until after they start feeling better under Chiropractic care.
So if that’s you or someone you know, don’t suffer needlessly, come in and get assessed. Even if you have been to the clinic seeking help for another reason, you may not have realised that Chiropractic could also help with headaches.
In the next blog, I will discuss the types of headaches I mentioned above, so you can distinguish if you might be in one of those categories. In the meantime watch this video below for more information!